Introduce a Law To Bar Criminals From Entering Into Politics: SCBA President Vikas Singh Says During His Address On Constitution Day
(Judicial Quest News Network)
Senior Advocate Vikas Singh, the president of Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), during his address on Constitution day organised by the Supreme Court said that there is an urgent need to introduce a law to bar criminals to enter into poitics.
The anti defection law which has been made with a very salutary purpose of ensuring that there is no criss-crossing of people who get elected by a particular political party needs to be strengthen, a person who is accused and is found of guilty of the Anti Defection law cannot be permitted to get back into the same house.

Singh further said that the person charge-sheeted of heinous crimes should be bedarred from contesting elections and persons convicted should also be debarred from contesting elections.
He further said that the collegium system also needs improvement. I have always advocated that the collegium system was right system provided that it functioned properly and in this functioning that we have seen so far, the basis for envisaging the collegium systemwas that
The judgement of the Supreme Court felt that the judges of the Supreem Courtknow the lawyers and accordingly they are in the ebst positionto selectthe best of them.
He also said that there are certain imperfections in Constitution, the constitution gave the responsibilityof enacting laws to the parliament, executing the laws to executive and upholding laws to the Judiciary,the judiciary in all these yearswhile doing justice have also been noticing some imperfections in the original constitution and because of the indulgenceof judiciary of noticing thewe lucanae the constitution has been amended 105 times till now.
He said that the premise of the firdt blush looks very attaractive but on a deeper scrutiny, it is seenthat it is impossiblen for anycollegium to know the lakhs and lakhs of lawyers practicing in the High Court. Ther is no method by which the Collegium can know where a particular lawyer is or should be elevated.There are lawyers in law firms, there are alwyers in trial courts who deserve to be elevated but this system of collegium knowing the person personally to elevate is an extremelyfaulty systemand in the process our judiciary is suffering.
While concluding his speech, Singh said,” I believe that this country is destined to walk amongst the most developed nations of the world and our response to the COVID pandemic has shown that India has the capability to help the entire world in times of crisis and I am positive that in this new world, India’s time to gain Super power status can no longer be denied by the world.