Guide Lines Issued By BCI Is Not In Consonance With The Guide Lines Issued By UGC: Two Law Students Move Karnataka High Court Challenging BCI, KSLU Decision To Hold Intermediate Semester Exams
(Judicial Quest News Network)
Challenging the guide lines issued by the KSLU two law students have approached Karnataka High Court.
Earlier the KSLU and BCI had issued circulars mandating the conduct of intermediate semester examinations for this year.
The petitioner being highly aggrieved by the impugned circular dated 09-11-2020, issued by BCI in so far as they impose an examination on the intermediated semester law students of all Law Universities across India, including the law universities affiliated with KSLU for the semester from which they have already been promoted, has approached KHC.
It is further submitted that the impugned circular dated 09-11-202, circular/press Release dated 01-11-2020 read along with circular bearing No. BCI:D:1401/2020., and the press release dated 09.06.2020 in so far as they deviate from the guide lines issued by the Universities Grants Commissions and Imposes an examination on intermediate semester Law students of all Law Universities across India,
The petitioners further submit that on April 27 this year, the UGC had issued guidelines on examinations and the academic calendar for Universities where in irt was suggested that grading of students could be done on the basis of internal evaluation and performance in the previous semester, with 50 per cent weightage for each.
It is further submitted that on 27.4.2020, The University Grants Commission issued the” Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar for the Universities in view of covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown where in it was suggested that if the situation does not appear to be normal grading of the students would be of 50% marks on the basis of internal evaluation adopted by the universities and remaining 50% marks can be awarded on the basis of performance in previous semester.
They have also submitted that on July, 7 the UGC clarified that the guide lines regarding conduct of the intermediate semester examination will remain unchanged owing to the rise in the number of COVID-19, cases.
The KSLU had issued revised academic calendar which notified commencement of intermediate semester examination from 16-07-220 which notified commencement of intermediate semester examination from 05-10-2020, completely deviating from the UGC guide lines of April 2020 and government of Karnataka order dated 10-07-2020. This move by University was severely criticized by the students and other stake holders.
Students carried out peaceful protest throughout the state asking University to implement the order of the State Government dated 10.07.2020.
The KSLU, however issued a revised academic calendar on July 16, notifying the commencement of intermediate semester examinations from October 2020, the petition high lights.
Raisin various concerns such as inaccessibility and affordability with respect to the attending online classes, it has been submitted that only privileged students would be able to participate in online classes arranged by KSLU.
It is further submitted that the petitioners have represented their grievances to both the Bar Council of India and The State Government of Karnataka, represented by its principal Secretary, Law Ministry, However, neither the Bar Council of India, nor the State Government of Karnataka have acted based on these representations.
The petitioners said that the impugned circulars also have disproportionate and adverse impact on the students who were unable to attend the classes in online in online mode for various reasons s like affordability, accessibility, remote locality etc.
On the grounds mentioned above the plea seeks quashing of the KSLU circular dated November 9, and BCI press Release dated November 1.
[Read Petition]