CBI Arrests Four Then Public Servants in A Case Related to Narada Sting Operation

(Judicial Quest News Network)

The Central Bureau of Investigation has today arrested four accused persons who were the then Ministers in Government of West Bengal in a case related to Narada Sting Operation.  CBI had registered the instant case on 16.04.2017 against certain public servants and unknown others on conclusion of the Preliminary Enquiry initiated by it, in compliance of the Order dated 17.3.2017 of the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta in WP Nos 5243(W) of 2016, 5175 (W) of 2016 and 5224 (W) of 2016.

            After a yearlong hearing at Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta, Hon’ble Court directed CBI to conduct a Preliminary Enquiry and based upon the result of the preliminary enquiry, CBI should forthwith register an FIR in respect of the alleged crime and proceed to investigate the same in accordance with Law. Respondents challenged the aforesaid order of the Hon’ble High Court by filing SLP, but vide order dated 21.3.2017 in SLP(Crl) No.2259 and 2261 of 2017, the Hon’ble Supreme Court upheld the directions of the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta for Preliminary Enquiry by CBI into the allegations of the aforesaid PILs.


          CBI conducted the Preliminary Enquiry into the said allegations expeditiously. Enquiry revealed prima facie material for registration of a Regular Case(FIR) under appropriate sections of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and IPC. Therefore, a RC/FIR was registered and investigated by the CBI against the FIR named accused.  Main allegation in the case was that the said accused as public servants demanded and accepted illegal-gratification to show favour to a private person who was posing as a representative of a fictitious company at the time of transaction and discreetly recording the same. After investigation, CBI report was sent to different competent authorities to grant sanction to prosecute the accused. Sanction was received from the Competent Authority on 07.05.2021 in respect of the said accused. Sanction for one more accused, the then SP has also been received. Presently, he is on bail.

            The arrested accused are being produced today before the Jurisdictional Court.

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