Update on Covid Relief Aid Worldwide Help Being Viably Apportioned and Expeditiously Conveyed By Government of India To Tertiary Care Institutions Across States And UTs For COVID Management
(Judicial Quest News Network)
Government of India is receiving international donations and aid of COVID-19 relief medical supplies and equipment since 27 April 2021 from different countries/organisations to augment its efforts in fighting the unprecedented surge in COVID in the country. Various Ministries/Departments of Government of India have seamlessly collaborated through a streamlined and systematic mechanism under the “Whole of Government” approach, for expeditiously delivering the incoming global aid to States and UTs.
Cumulatively, 9200 Oxygen Concentrators; 5243 Oxygen Cylinders; 19 Oxygen Generation Plants; 5913 ventilators/Bi PAP; ~3.44L Remdesivir vials delivered/ dispatched through road and air, from 27th April 2021 to 10th May 2021.
Major consignments received on 10th May 2021 from UAE, Israel, USA, Netherland include:
- Ventilators/BiPAP/CPAP (610)
- Oxygen Concentrators (300)
- Favipiravir – 12600 strips (each strip contains 40 tablets)
The process of effective immediate allocation, and streamlined delivery to the recipient states/UTs and institutions is being comprehensively monitoring this on a regular basis by the Union Health Ministry. A dedicated Coordination Cell has been created in the Union Health Ministry to coordinate the receipt and allocation of foreign COVID relief material as grants, aid and donations. This Cell started functioning from 26th April 2021. A Standard Operating Procedure has been framed and implemented by the Health Ministry since 2nd May, 2021.

Photo 1. Oxygen Generator from UK capable of an output of 500 Litres per Minute was dispatched last night from Delhi to Chirang, Assam, by rail.

Photo 2. Medical Relief from Kuwait comprising of 2 ISO Oxygen Tanks containing 40 metric tonnes of Liquid Oxygen, 200 Oxygen Cylinders and 4 high-flow Oxygen Concentrators was brought by INS Kolkata last evening to Mangalore Port, for distribution to various States.
Photo 3. Medical relief from Singapore consisting of 3600 oxygen cylinders was brought by INS Airavat last evening to Visakhapatnam port, for distribution to States.