Three dimension approach required in life – Governor Narasimhan tells students at the 80th Convocation of Osmania University

(Judicial Quest News Service)

Hyderabad, June 17: Speaking at the 80th Convocation of the Osmania
University on Monday, Governor Sri E.S.L. Narasimhan told the students
never to forget the 3Ds in life i.e. discipline, diligence and dedication. In his
opening remarks, as Chancellor of the University, the Governor offered his
apologies for the delay in award of medals and degrees due to certain
unfortunate circumstances. Sri Narasimhan said henceforth the Convocation
date should become part of the academic calendar and under no
circumstances convocation be postponed to next year and it should be held
just like the way schedule is fixed for admissions and conduct of
Students should live with teachers like in the olden days when it was called
Gurukulam, in which Guru and sishya became part of one family and that is
the need of the hour today, said the Governor. He said in the olden days,
there was an extremely strong bonding between the teacher and the taught
and when the student completed study of Upanishads, he would go and ask
his teacher what he should next and the teacher would give him only two
words of simple advise ‘Satyam vada – Dharmam chara’, which means
speak the truth and protect the dharma. The teacher would also tell the
student to remember the parents, the ones that brought him into this world
what he is today is because of his parents. The Governor further said a
student may reach very high position in life but he owes his basic duty and
responsibility towards his parents. Next comes the Acharya with whom the
students spend most of their lives and for the teacher nothing gives him
greater pride than seeing his students excel in life, said the Governor. He
said the teacher expects nothing in return except to remember him and it is
a teacher that makes a human being out of a man.
The Governor Sri Narasimhan congratulated the Vice Chancellor for choosing
Dr. Chandrashekar, an eminent personality as the choice of Chief Guest at

the 80th Convocation, as choosing the Chief Guest at the Convocation is
extremely critical and important. The Governor said Dr. Chandrashekar is
not only an alumnus of the Osmania University but is a role model as a chief
guest at the University should be, who has got all the awards one can think
of not only in India but Internationally. Apart from that, Dr. Chandrashekar
is a humanity personified and students should learn from him and emulate,
said the Governor. Humility is a very important character of a human being
and status is not determined by wealth but humility and as one goes higher
up in life the humility should also proportionately go up and it is not
inversely proportional, said Sri Narasimhan. The Governor said whichever
work they do they must enjoy that work and dedicate themselves for it and
own it up and feel proud of your work.
The Governor said he wants the University to start something called
University social responsibility, which is practiced in University of Hyderabad,
by which the University undertakes to educate children of under privileged
sections in English language and teaching of computers as part of University
social responsibility. He said the university should also ensure that only
those courses are added which are going to get the students employment
and the syllabus should be in tune with what is required on the ground as is
a huge mismatch between the education that one gets in the Universities
and on the ground requirement. The Governor further added that interface
with industry and interface with market is required.
Be proud that you are an Indian and there is nothing that we do not have
and the country has a great heritage and first of all students must know
India, go through India and understand what India is then they will feel
proud to be an Indian, said Sri Narasimhan. Discipline in life is very
important and students cannot compromise discipline for anything in life and
if something happens to education during a student’s life, thereafter their
career prospects get affected, he said. The Governor said Osmania
University is one of the most prestigious universities in the country and
there is a brand name attached to it and when students leave the portals of
the university they have a duty and responsibility to protect the brand name
of the university and the students should never do anything in life that will
undermine the reputation of the university.
Earlier, Sri Narasimhan as Chancellor of the University presented Gold
Medals and Degrees to the students and presented Honorary Degree to Dr.

S. Chandrashekar, Director, IIT, Chief Guest at the 80th Convocation of the
Osmania University.

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