Shri E S L Narasimhan, Hon’ble Governor Advises Group-1 Officers to Use Their Positions to Realize the Dream of Bangaru Telangana
(Judicial Quest News Service)
The highly prestigious second Foundation Course for the very-first batch of Group-I Officers,
after the formation of Telangana State, conducted by Dr. MCR HRD Institute, came to a
spectacular end on August 2nd, 2019.
Sri E S L Narasimhan, Hon’ble Governor of Telangana State, who was the Chief Guest at
the Valedictory Function, advised the Group-1 Officers to use their positive power, rather than
mere brute authority of negative power, in order to serve all sections of society, especially its
weaker and poorer counterparts. “Developing empathy for understanding the pains and pathos
of people and demonstrating sympathy in finding enduring solutions for their problems will be
greatly instrumental in realizing the dream of Bangaru Telangana”, he added.
Continuing his address, the Hon’ble Governor called upon the Officers to be available for
people 24×7 and thereby bring about a qualitative change in their lives. “The historical
reorganization of the State into 33 relatively small districts provides a rare opportunity to the
Group-1 Officers to emerge as people-friendly leaders”, he added.
The Hon’ble Governor called upon the Officers to contribute proactively to the multifaceted
development of the State, rather than confining themselves to merely collecting revenue, endlessly
tossing the files from one-desk-to-another, andworkingmechanically as per the archaic rulebook.
The Hon’ble Governor stated that the general image of the Officers in the society is that they
are not people-friendly. “The need of the hour in the present-day transparent world of work,
characterized byemergence of strong social media, a vibrant civil society, and an ever-alert
people at large,is to drastically change this image by diversifying and enriching their
professional and personal competence, commitment, and integrity”’, he added.
The Hon’ble Governor gave away Course Completion Certificates to the Group-1 Officers
and also presentedmementoes to Mr. Nukala Uday Reddy, DSP (Civil)for Best All-Round
Performance and to Ms. Perka Jayasudha, DPO for securing Highest Aggregate Marks in Written
Examination. He also released a copy of “Savvadi” a Journal, brought out by the House JournalSociety.
Sri B P Acharya, IAS, Spl. Chief Secretary & DG, Dr. MCR HRD Institute, in his
welcome address, said that the aim of the Foundation Course was toempower and inspire the
Group -1 Officers to contribute their mite for the development of the State with outmost
sincerity, integrity, and a sense of purpose. “The Foundation Course,through a series of
curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities, focused ondeveloping the nature and
quality of the Group-1 Officers,sensitising them to the needs of poor people, and instilling a
sense of confidence and idealism in order to make them efficient in implementing different
Government programs”, he added.
Dr S M Nabi, Course Director and Dr Ravalapati Madhavi, Course Coordinator also
graced the function. Sri B Venkateswara Rao, IAS, ADG of the Institute proposed a vote of

Telangana , Sri B P Acharya, IAS, Spl Chief Secretary to Govt. & DG of the Institute, and other

Narasimhan, Hon’ble Governor, Telangana, which was made by Telangana Artist Sri Ch
Manohar on Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary

memento to Mr. Nukala Uday Reddy, DSP (Civil) for Best All-Round Performance. Sri
BP Acharya, IAS, DG of Institute is seen in picture

Gathering at the Valedictory Function of the 2nd Foundation Course for Group-I Officers