National Lok Adalat: Telangana State National Service Authority resolves 8229 cases in a Day

By: – Syed Ali Taher Abedi

The Telangana State National Service Authority organized a National Lok Adalat thorough out the state of Telangana today, with a

View to settle disputes at pre-litigation stage as well as cases pending in the courts.

Under the guidance and leadership of Hon’ble Sri Justice Rahvendra S.Chauhan the Chief Justice of Telangana High Court Patron-in-Chief Telangana State Legal Service Authority Hon’ble Sri Justice P.V.Sanjay Kumar, Executive Chairman Telangana State Legal Services Authority and Hon’ble Sri Justice A. Rajasheer Reddy,Chairman High Court Legal Service Committee,the Telangana State Legal Service Authority has coordinated with all the District Legal Service Authorities in the State and Organized the National Lok Adalat on 14-9-2019.

In the National Lok Adalat 8229 cases i.e 2309 pre-litigation cases and

And 5925 court pending cases of all categories have been settled in all the districts of telangana by 5:15 pm.and an amount of rs.34.63 Crores was awarded as compensation in the State of Telangana

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