NALSAR AND NIA is conducting five days training program for prosecutors of NIA

(Judicial Quest News Service)

NALSAR University of Law along with National Investigation Agency (NIA) is

conducting Five Day Training Program for Prosecutors of NIA from June 26 th to 30 th

2019. Today, while inaugurating the training program Shri. Yogesh Chandra Modi

I.P.S, Director General of NIA, highlighted the achievement of the National

Investigation Agency in the recent past.Further he said that conviction rate in NIA is

about 93% and that credit goes to NIA Prosecutors. He opined that the interrogation

has to be objective and law officers shall be attached to the Investigation Officer so

that he can collect relevant evidences. While talking the credibility of NIA he also

mentioned that in last couple of days ago the Cabinet was approved to amendment   Act and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act to allow the NIA probe cybercrimes

and cases of Human trafficking etc. These amendments will give more teeth to the

NIA he said. Hon’ble Justice K.C. Bhanu while delivering his key note address proposed that an amendment can be brought to reduce the standard of proof, from “Proof beyond Reasonable Doubt”.

While highlighting the important cases pronounced apex courts of India, he gave valuable tips and suggestions to the trainee prosecutors of NIA. Shri S.K. Sharma, Legal Advisor of NIA said that the Prosecutors shall be updated in terms of appreciating Digital Evidence, Forensics etc.

While giving welcome address by Dr. V. Balakista Reddy, Registrar of NALSAR he

Emphasized the achievements of NALSAR in recent past. Dr. K.V.K. Santhy,

Coordinator of the program mentioned the theme and scheme of the five day program.This Program was attended by. S. Praveen Kumar IPS D.I.G, NIA, 14 Prosecutors of NIA from various States, Professors Dr. D. Balakrishna, Dr. G. Mallikarjun, Mr.K. Shiva Charan, Advocate & Research Associate of NALSAR, and student volunteers of NALSAR were present.

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