Ministry of Rural Development Signs MoU With J-Pal South Asia
(Judicial Quest News Network)
The Ministry of Rural Development in India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with J-PAL South Asia to provide technical assistance in implementing inclusive development under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY NRLM).
Key points from the announcement:
1. The MoU aims to support rural poor women in achieving self-sufficiency through inclusive development strategies.
2. J-PAL South Asia will act as a knowledge partner and collaborate with the Ministry of Rural Development to establish a Gender Impact Lab. This lab will conduct new research and institutionalize data use within DAY NRLM to drive women-led development.
3. The partnership will adapt BRAC’s Graduation Approach, a livelihoods program known for effectively lifting vulnerable households out of poverty.

4. J-PAL South Asia will assist MoRD in incorporating scientific evidence and data into their decision-making processes.
5. DAY NRLM is a significant community mobilization effort that has organized over 10.04 crore women into self-help groups, focusing on financial inclusion, digital literacy, sustainable livelihoods, and social development.
6. The collaboration between J-PAL South Asia and Bandhan-Konnagar has supported the expansion of the Graduation Approach in Bihar through the Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana (SJY), targeting 200,000 women-headed households by 2024.

This partnership highlights the commitment to leveraging research and data to empower rural women and drive inclusive development under DAY NRLM in India.