Justice Ujjal Bhuyan of Gauhati High Court transferred to Bombay High Court
By: – Syed Ali Taher Abedi
The Central Government has issued the appointment Notification pertaining to the transfer of Justice Ujjal Bhuyan of Gauhati High Court.
In the interest of the better administration the Collegium of Supreme Court had last month recommended Justice Ujjal Bhuyan’s transfer.
Earlier this month The Gauhati High Court Bar Association (GHCBA) had registered its protest to the Supreme Court Collegium’s proposal transfer Justice Ujjal Bhuyan from Gauhati to Bombay High Court.
The resolution stated that
“There was unanimity among the members of the Bar that the trsnsfer of Mr. Justice Bhuyan from Gauhati High Court to the Bombay High Court instead of serving the case of better administration of justice,would adversely affect the administrationjustice in Gauhati High Court. Learned members of the Bar were of the opinion that justice Bhuyan who is in the Gauhati High Court at present is the 3rd senior most judge and in that capacity also member of the various committees.has been playing a significant rolein improving the admionisration side and such a role evidently Justice Bhuyan cannot play in the Bombay High Court when on transfer,he will be apparently at Senior No.15 of the Seniority List of Judges”.
Shri Justice Ujjal Bhuyan

Shri Justice Ujjal Bhuyan
B.A., LL.M was born on August 2, 1964 and was enrolled as an Advocate on 20.03.1991. He practiced in Gauhati High Court at Principal Seat at Guwahati in Service Contractual, Settlement matters, Income Tax, Criminal, Civil and labour matters, He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Gauhati High Court on October 17, 2011 and as Permanent Judge on October 16, 2013.