Hate Speeches: Retired Army Officers Moves Apex Court Seeking SIT Investigation on Dharam Sansad Hate Speeches

(Judicial Quest News Network)

In a significant development three retired Army officers have moved the Supreme Court of India seeking an investigation by SIT into the hate speeches delivered last year in a religious conclave organized at Haridwar and Delhi between December 17, and 19 2021.

The Writ petition filed by Major General SG Vombatkere, Colonel PK Nair and Major Priyadarshini Choudhury through Advocates Senthil Jagadeesan and Vinayak Bhandari.

The Petitioners, who are retired officers of the Armed Forces are

specifically concerned that such incidents, if gone unchecked, can have a

serious impact on the morale and integration of the soldiers in the armed

forces who come from diverse communities and religions. From their

personal experience, it is felt that such hate speeches can even affect the

battle efficiency of our Armed Forces and in turn compromise national


In view of the gravity of the situation and the public importance involved,

it is prayed that this Hon’ble Court take cognizance of the events that took

place at Haridwar and Delhi and constitute a new Special Investigating

Team that functions under its supervision

It is specifically mentioned in the petition that Between 17th and 19th December 2021, a religious conclave called

‘Dharam Sansad’ was organized in Haridwar, Uttarakhand,

allegedly by Mr. Yati Narsingh Anand Saraswathi, who practices as

the head priest of a temple in Ghaziabad, UP. The conclave appears

to have been attended by hundreds/thousands of followers.

The inflammatory, seditious and divisive speeches made violate not only

the criminal law of the land, but also strike at the core of Article 19

of the Constitution of India. Such incidents, if unchecked, will

adversely affect the cohesion of the Indian Armed Forces and may

endanger national security.

The seditious and divisive speeches made violate not only the criminal law

of the land, but also strike at the core of Article 19 of the Constitution of

India. These speeches stain the secular fabric of the nation and also have

serious potential to impact public order adversely.

From them It is further submitted that personal experience, it is felt that such hate speeches can even affect the battle efficiency of our Armed Forces and in turn compromise national security.

The petitioners expressed their concern Urgent judicial intervention is also required to prevent such events that seem to have become the order of the day. Such incitement to violence together with public expressions of hate constitute a serious breach of internal security and could also tear apart the social character of our nation.

It is also mentioned in the petition that Five former chiefs of staff of the Armed Forces and over a hundred other people including veterans, bureaucrats, and prominent citizens have also issued an Open Statement addressed to Hon’ble President Ram Nath Kovind and Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi

regarding the “open call of the genocide of Indian Muslims”, on 31st

December 2021. It is a genuine concern that the unity, cohesiveness

and morale of our men and women in the armed forces and the police

forces will be seriously affected if such blatant calls for violence

against one or the other community in our diverse and plural society

are not acted against.

Earlier on 12th January 2022 Apex Court had issued the notice to the Union Government, the Delhi Police and the State of Uttarakhand in a PIL seeking criminal action with respect to the Dharam Sanasad conclave had at Haridwar and Delhi.

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