Gujarat High Court rejects Temporary Bail Application of Asaram Bapu [Read Order]

(Judicial Quest News Network)

The Gujarat High Court has rejected a plea for temporary bail moved by Asaram Bapu, stating that no new ground has been made out for his release and further that Asrama’s release may serve to aggravate the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This is the Second tie that the court has rejected the bail plea of Asaram Bapu this year.

Lodged in a prison in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Asaram was convicted in a case of sexual assault on a minor. He is also facing a trial in rape case in Gandhinagar Court and also had approached the Court seeking temporary bail for four months on various grounds.

While denying the temporary bail Justice A.S Supehia.  Observed “The applicant in the present application has made a specific avement that he has a number of followers all over the world and in India. Considering the said averment, it would not be apposite to release the applicant on bail

In light of the prevailing situation of COVID-19. since three is a strong possibility that on release of applicant, his thousands of followers will congregate to meet him, which will aggravate the distressing situation.

His lawyers had referred to news reports claiming that there were high chances of him getting infected in Rajasthan’s jail. They had pointed out that he has been in judicial custody for several years now and that he is suffering from various diseases as well.

Further it was submitted that the applicant is 884 years of age and as per lawyer’s information in lodged in Jodhpur jail, some of the prisoners are affected with Corona Virus and hence there is every likelihood that the applicant may also get affected by this virus.

The Assistant Public Prosecutor while opposing the plea pointed out that the applicant had approached this court citing same reasons in the month of March.

On 30, March the Court had rejected his plea noting that he was involved in “Very serious offences “and that his case does not fall in the guidelines issued by High Powered Committee constituted to look into temporary release of certain category of prisoners due to Covid-19.

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