(Judicial Quest News Service)

Bachpan Bachao Andolan organised state level consultation on Samurna Behura
Judgement at Dr MCR HRD Institute, in collaboration with State Legal Service Authority
and WCD&SC Dept., at Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad on 29 th and 30 th June 2019, on
implementation of Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 with specific focus on provisions of
rehabilitation of children and observations made by Hon’ble Supreme Court in Sampurna
Behrua Judgment, WCD&SC Dept, Labour Dept, Police Dept, were part of the
consultation, the consultation held with the participation of the stakeholders like
Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities, Chairpersons of Juvenile Justice Boards
( JJBs), Officials of Women & Child Welfare Department, Child Welfare Committee, Spl.
Juvenile Police Unit Officers, Child Care Institutions, Spl. Public Prosecutors,
Superintendents of Observation Homes, etc.
The two day consultation was focused on 1.Salient features of ‘Sampurna Behura’
Judgment, 2.Current  status of Judgment, status on Inter-relations between Institutional
and non-institutional services and convergence of Stakeholders in the state for
implementation of JJ Act, 3. Status of Child Labour in the state, Schemes, Programs and
implementation of the child labour (Prohibition and regulation) Acts, along with challenges
and  implementation of rehabilitation measures in the state.
All the stakeholders shared valuable information and recommendations for effective
implementation of Juvenile Justice Care and Protection Act 2015 in Telangana State
Challenges in the implementation of Act at each level among the stakeholders were
discussed intensively and freely. Various recommendations pertains to Policy,
Implementation were discussed.
Further, a summary of the recommendations that emerged from the Consultations
for the urgent consideration and action by the Government of Telangana. Bachpan Bachao
Andolan Chief Advisor Sri Sameer Mathur and State Coordinator Ms.Chandana along with
Formed MP Vinod kumar submitted recommendations of the consultation to Honourable
Principal secretary WCD&SC Dept, Law Secretary and finally met Chief Secretary of
Telangana today requested to take immediate action for child friendly Telangana. Chief
secretary responded positively for all recommendations submitted by Bachpan Bachao
Few of them are as follows:

  1. Statutory Safeguards: Immediate Constitution of State Commission for Protection of
    Child Rights (SCPCR) with providing sufficient staff and funds to make it fully
  2. Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) & Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs):Immediate
    formation of statutory bodies In Telangana State.
  3. Filling up of vacant positions of District Probation Officers: fill up these vacancies to
    ensure proper enforcement of the JJ Act as Supreme Court has directed to fill – up
    the posts
  4. Child Friendly Courts (exclusive Children Courts): Establishment of 10 child friendly
    courts exclusive children’s court at District level or in a group of District (depending
    on number of cases against children).
  5. At least two Public Prosecutors should be appointed to represent the cases of
    children in conflict with law (exclusively) at JJBs and for the Special Courts under
    POCSO Act-2012 dealing with cases of sexual assaults on child.
  6. Juvenile Justice Fund: Immediate allocation of Juvenile justice fund In Telangana

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