CARA invites public consultation on simplification of adoption process

(Judicial Quest News Network)

Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) has invited suggestions and feedback for simplification of the adoption process from all stakeholders, including prospective adoptive parents, Specialized Adoption Agencies, Child Welfare Committees, State Adoption Resource Agencies and the general public. Comments may be furnished at: latest by April 3, 2020.

A national consultation was held by CARA, on January 14, 2020 in New Delhi, to discuss possibilities for improving and streamlining the adoption process. A number of suggestions were received from the stakeholders.

CARA has notified Adoption Regulations, 2017 in January 2017 and the implementation of the adoption programme has been reviewed from time to time. CARA is a Statutory Body of Government of India which promotes and facilitates In –country adoption and regulates Inter-country adoption as Central Authority under the Hague Convention for Inter-country adoptions. It is also mandated to frame regulations on adoption related matters from time to time as per Section 68 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.

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