Atiq Ahmed Encounter: Sister of Slain Gangster-Turned-Politician Knocks Supreme Court For Comprehensive Probe, Alleges State ‘Vendetta’

(Judicial Quest News Network)

The Sisietr of the slain gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed and Ashraf has knocked the Supreme Court a comprehensive inquiry in the ‘extra judicial Killings of her two brothers.

Both Atiq Ahmed and Ashraf were gummed down while they were being brought to the hospital for a medical check-up under police custody.

Ayesha Noorie the sister of Atiq and Ashraf has sought an independent and comprehensive probe into the custodial and extra-judicial killings of her brothers as well as other members of the family all of which occurred just a few days apart from each other, in oreder to apprehend the ‘high-level state agents’ who have allegedly orchestrated a campaign to “kill araign, arrest and harass” members of her family as a part of a ‘vendetta’. “The respondents are responsible for deaths.Responsdent police authorities are enjoying the full support of the Uttar Pradesh Government which appears to have granted them complete impunity to kill,arraign,arrest, and harass members of the petitioner’s family as part of a ‘Vendetta’ the petition adds.

The petitioner seeks effective implementation of the fundamental rights of the petitioner and her familymembers under Article 21 of the Constitution.

It is further submitted that shortly before his death Atiq Ahmed had approached this Court vide a writ petition detailing his reason for apprehending a threat to his life from the respondents in this petition.The Hon’ble court was pleased to dismiss the same.

The petititoner further satates that she has uncontestable locus to compel the sate to effectively investigarte these incidents, because her personle liberty under Article 21 is restrictedand infringed by the chilling effect produced by the respondents.

Atiq Ahmed (60) and his brother Ashraf were shot dead at point-blank range by three men posing as journalists in the middle of a media interaction while police perosnel were escorting them to a medical college in Pryagraj on April 15.

The petition is filed through Advoctaes Somesh Chandra Jha and Amartya Ashis Sharma.

It is further submitted that the purpose of such an investigation is to ensure effective implementation of the guarantee of life and liberty under the Constitution and to ensure that wherever State agents and bodies are involved in any case of extr-judicial killing, they must be held responsible fort he same regardless of their standing and rank.

The petitioner questions and seeks protection from a campaign of encounter killings, arrests and harassment targeting the petitioner’s family being carried out  by the Government of Uttar Pradesh .

The use of encounter as a form of law enforcement has been deprecated by the Hon’ble courtas well as the national human Rights Commission.

Earlier Advocate Vishal Tiwari also filed a PIL in this court which is pending brefore Supreme Court seeking an independent inquiry into the killings of the Ahmed briothers, which was caught on live television and 183 other encounter killings in the State of uttar Pradeshsince 2017.

The Supreme Court has sought a comprehensive affidavit in the case from the Uttar Pradesh government.

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