Broadcasting Watch Dog (NBDSA) Imposes Rs.50,000 Fine On News 18 Over Communally Charged Debate On Karnataka Hijab Row
(Judicial Quest News Network)
The News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority of India (NBDSA) imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on News 18 India for holding a debate linking persons supporting Hijab with Al-Qaida.
The self-regulatory body issued the order on October 21 based on a complaint filed by an individual.
Chaired by Justice (Retd) AK Sikri, the NBDSA is a self-regulatory body that is tasked with implementing the voluntary Codes of Ethics and Broadcasting Standards drafted by the News Broad Casters and Digital Association (NBDA) for its members.
The programme against which the complaint was filed was a debate conducted by News-18 India, Aired on April, 6, 2022, on the controversy that emerged in Karnataka following a ban imposed by the government on wearing hijab in educational institutions through a G.O.
In the programme the Anchor referred Muslim girls as “Hijabi Ganag”,
“Hijabwali Gazwa Gang”. And made a false allegation that they had they had resorted to rioting.
He also claimed in his programme that Zawahiri and terrorists organisations were behind the entire Hijab row and that in India, there are many “Hijab” representatives of Zawahiri, and it’s the Zawahiri’s gang. Further he claimed the Zawahiri was the face and the students were his mask.
The Order said that whether Zawahiri is right or wrong, was raised more than ten times by the anchor in the programme.
Sangit Ragi one of the Panellist present on the show also remarked that “there are 1000’s of pockets in India that in future will conduct bomb blasts like they did in Kashmir. They are in West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Maharashtra, UP, Karnataka, Kerala, They are his representatives; they represent his ideology.”Subohi Khan, another panellist stated tah “Muslim Intellectuals give a silent support to crime and terrorism. They don’t fiercely oppose termism.”
The NBDSA said that the channel was free to choose the topic of discussion “as it comes within the e freedom of expression of the broadcaster” but said it is primarily concerned with the fact as to whether the broadcaster and anchor adhered to the code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standards during the show.
The Complaint argued that the Panellists promoted dangerous stereotypes against the Muslim Community.
The order passed by justice Sikri directed that
- The programme violated principles related to impartiality, neutrality, fairness, good taste and decency under the Specific Guidelines Covering Reportage, apart from the code of Ethics and Broadcasting Standards.
- The Anchor failed to Abide by Bombay High Court’s Nitish Navalakha’s caseguidelines and SC’ guidelines on the role of a news anchor in a panel discussion to maintain balance, prevent discussion from drifting, and muting panellists who fly off the tangent.
- NBDSA Advised News 18 to train Aman Chopra on how to conduct debates on sensitive issues.
- Considering the repeat nature of violations, NBDSA imposed a fine of Rs. 50,000 on the channel.
- NBDSA warned news 18 India stating that it commits future violations; it may summon Aman Chopra before the NBDSA committee.
- NBDSA ordered the channel to delete the programme from all digital spaces within 7 days.
NBDSA noted that it was impugned programme was a debate conducted by the broadcaster on the Hijab controversy that emerged in Karnataka following a ban imposed by the Government on wearing Hijab in educational institutions.
It also noted that the broadcaster had in its submissions stated that in view of the observations made by the Hon’ble Karnataka High Court and the Statement issued by Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of Al Qaida , it had in the impugned programme, raised the question as to whether the issue of Hijab was being incited by some hidden international forces.
It is reiterated that NBDSA did not have any issue with the subject of the debate .However, on examination of the matter, it found that the problem lay with the narrative and the tilt was given to the programme.
NBDSA strongly deprecated the tendency of the broadcaster to associate those panellists who were in favour of wearing, Hijab by the students with Zawahiri and labelling them as “Zawahir’s gand menmbers”
NBDSA also did not find any justification in linking those panellists/persons who were supporting hijab with Al-Qaida by airing tickers stating # Al-Qaida Gang Exposed” “Hijab ka fata Poster nikla Al-qaida” and so on.
In view of the above, MBDSA observed that the anchor had only acted in flagrant disrespect of the Code of Ethics & Broadcasting Standard and Specific Guidelines covering reportage.
Therefore, NBDSA held that the impugned programme was violative of the principles relating to Impartiality, Neutrality, fairness and goodtaste & Decency under the Specific Guidelines Covering reportage. Accordingly keeping in mind, the repetitive nature of the above violations, NBDSA decided to impose a fine of rs.50,000 on the broadcaster and admonished the broadcaster for conducting such debare, which was not in accordance with code of ethics.