Visit of Royal Navy Delegation to SNC

(Judicial Quest News Service)

Commodore Stuart Henderson, Safety Director of the British Royal Navy (RN) Safety Centre along with a three member delegation, is on a two day official visit  to Southern Naval Command (SNC). The delegation called on Rear Admiral RJ Nadkarni, AVSM, VSM, Chief of Staff (CoS), Southern Naval Command (SNC) on 13 Jun 19, at naval base, Kochi and held discussions on matters of mutual interest.

The delegation also interacted with Rear Admiral PK Bahl, VSM, Chief Staff Officer (Training), SNC and the Indian Naval Safety Team (INST) on the matters pertaining to safe operations at sea and in shore units, as well as areas for mutual cooperation between the two navies. The delegation would be interacting with Rear Admiral Krishna Swaminathan, VSM, Flag Officer Sea Training (FOST) on 14 Jun 19 for discussing matters pertaining to Operational Sea Training and safety.

The RN Safety delegation would also be visiting various units at Kochi, including the Water Survival Training Facility (WSTF) at INS Garuda and the “Ship Handling Simulator” at Navigation and Direction (ND) School prior to their departure.

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