Indian Navy on standby notice in view of Cyclone Vayu

The following preparatory actions have been initiated by Headquarters, Western Naval Command, Mumbai to respond expeditiously to the developing situation in view of #CycloneVayu:-

  1. State Administration, local District authorities and Indian Coast Guard authorities have been directed to caution fishermen against proceeding to sea and take all necessary precautions in view of inclement weather.
  1. Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) bricks and relief material have been embarked on board nominated ships of the Command and are ready to be deployed at short notice.
  1. Indian Navy ships operating at sea and aircraft/ Helicopters on routine sorties have been directed to inform fishing vessels operating at sea and advise them to return to harbour.
  1. Indian Navy Diving and Rescue Teams and Relief Material have been kept standby for rendering assistance to civil authorities, as required.
  1. Medical teams and facilities at Indian Naval Hospital Asvini at Mumbai are standby to handle medical emergencies.
  2. P8I and IL aircraft are standby to undertake SAR missions as required.
  1. Headquarters, Offshore Defence and Advisory Group has also issued an advisory on cyclone ‘Vayu’ to all offshore platforms.

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