Supreme Court Takes Sou Moto Cognisance of Covid-19 Crisis in India, Issues Notice to Centre

(Judicial Quest News Network)

The Supreme Court of India on Thursday have announced that it was taking Suo moto cognisance of the COVID-10 situation in the country, including the shortage of the oxygen and various other required medication. The Court has appointed Harish Salve as amicus Curiae in the case and said it wants to see a “National Plan “to take COVID-19.

The SC said that it will examine whether or not issues pending before different High Courts should be transferred to itself.

A bench headed by Chief Justice of India SA Bobde, and said that the six High Courts dealing with the issues arising out of COVI D-19 management was creating confusion.

we as a court wish to take Suo moto cognisance of certain issues. We find that there are 6 High courts Delhi, Bombay, Sikkim, MP, Calcutta and Allahabad. They are exercising jurisdiction of resources, The Court Said.

The Court has further said that it will issue notice in four issues.

Supply of Oxygen

Supply of Essential Drugs

Method and manner of Vaccination and

Power to Declare the Lockdown.

The Court has clearly mentioned that the power to declare the lockdown must be with the States and should not be judicial decision. We issue notice to the Central Government on these issues.

 It will not irrelevant here to mention that former Union Law Minister Mr.Ashwani Kumar had written a letter to CJI last week seeking the Apex Cout to take a Suo Moto Cognisance in this regardThis is a plea by a citizen and an officer of the Court, for this august Institution to take judicial notice of the extraordinary threat to human lives in the country following a devastating surge in the Corona cases, and to issue suitable directions suo-moto in the exercise of its plenary jurisdiction in pursuance of Article 21 of the Constitution.”

 He had further submitted that “According to uncontroverted media reports, Corona cases in the country have crossed the two-lac mark per day, with no signs of the surge abating in the near future. It is officially acknowledged and medically confirmed that the life-threatening surge in the number of Corona cases, which is highest in the world is substantially on account of a free run enjoyed by the super-spreading events including political rallies, religious congregations and festive events until the situation is under control. The enclosed annexures tell a grim story.”

The Court has also said that it will examine whether to transfer these issues from High Court to itself at a later stage.

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta asked whether the Central government should respond to High Courts now that the top Court is seized of the issue.

you can present the national plan. It is not to supersede any order as of now. You can submit that plan to High Courts,” Said the Justice Ravindra Bhatt.

India reported 3,14,835 COVID-19, new cases in last 24 hours. The highest single day spike since the onset of the pandemic early last year, taking the overall infection tally to 1,59,30,965 on Thursday.

The Health Ministry said that a total of 16,51,711 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. So far, a total of 27,2705,103 samples were tested in the country. According to the Government data, a total of 22,11,334 people were also vaccinated in the same period, taking the total inoculation count to 13,2330,644.

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