Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.V.Ramna, Hon’bla Mr. Justice L. Nageshwar Rao,Hon’able JMr. Justice R.Subhash Reddy Judges Supreme Court of India Inaugurating City Civil Courts Complex -Phase II,at Secunderabad on 28-7-2019 Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.V.Ramna, Hon’bla Mr. Justice L. Nageshwar Rao,Hon’able JMr. Justice R.Subhash Reddy Judges Supreme Court of India Inaugurating City Civil Courts Complex -Phase II,at Secunderabad on 28-7-2019 Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.V.Ramna, Hon’bla Mr. Justice Raghvendra S. Chauhan Chief Justice High Court for the State of Telangana ,Hon’able JMr. Justice R.Subhash Reddy Judges Supreme Court of India Inaugurating City Civil Courts Complex -Phase II,at Secunderabad on 28-7-2019